Friday, July 3, 2020

Mufti Muneeb Speaks Against Online Purchasing Of "Qurbaani Ke Janwar" On Eid

Mufti Muneeb Speaks Against Online Purchasing Of "Qurbaani Ke Janwar" On Eid

via The Pakistan Medical Association and civil society activists have demanded the government to dismiss the setting up cattle market within the city. We suggest the strict implementation of SOPs during Eid or else the government should get ready for another hard time like we faced after Ramazan. — Dr. Qaiser Sajjad The government must not allow holding of cattle markets for sacrificial animals within the city. He also added that people who wish to sacrifice animals should contact religious scholars or local mosques, who in turn, can perform the service for them. Online buying of sacrificial animals? Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, addressing a press conference, said that the public should opt for the collective sacrifice of animals on the upcoming Eid ul Adha. Chairman Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, however, strictly opposes the online purchase of sacrificial animals ahead of eid. Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman says that the government should make sure that no animal is brought to the cattle markets. Additionally, the religious scholar also urged the government to spray disinfectants in the sacrificial areas to hold back the outbreak of Covid-19. While opposing the purchase of sacrificial animals online, the religious scholar says that the cattle markets will be set up within barricaded concrete structures. Pakistan Ka Showbiz

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