Saturday, July 4, 2020

sushant singh suicide news on wikipedia before his death

via The death of Indian actor Sushant Singh Rajput has been grabbing headlines ever since he committed suicide. It has been revealed that the actor’s Wikipedia page updated about his death at 8.59 am while the police found him dead at 12.30 pm on June 14, 2020. According to the police, Sushant ended his life by suicide post 10 am in the morning and according to the screenshots now going viral on Twitter, his page was updated at 8:59 am with the news of his death. The late actor’s fans have even shared the IP address through which Sushant’s Wikipedia page was updated much before his death. According to police Sushant singh talked to his sister at 9am, and on Wikipedia someone updated at 8:59am that he committed suicide!! Can you believe that a person like @itsSSR would go on updating his @Wikipedia page and at precisely 9:08 am to mention that he committed suicide. How come they update the wikipedia page even before sushant died… According to source he played online game till 9.30am Then what the fck is this….#CBIEnquiryForSSR #SushantSinghRajput #PMDoCBIEnquieryForSSR — pang zee 1 (@zeebolt_) July 1, 2020 Foul play in Sushant’s death? While the final postmortem and viscera reports have confirmed that SSR died due to asphyxia by hanging, his ardent fans are still speculating some foul play in his death.

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