Saturday, January 16, 2021

Did You Know 2021 Will Be The Shortest Year In Decades?

Did You Know 2021 Will Be The Shortest Year In Decades?

via Did You Know 2021 Will Be The Shortest Year In Decades? But did you know 2021 will be even shorter, in fact, the shortest year in decades? Earth is rotating on its axis faster than it has in a half-century, implying that each day on the planet is now shorter than 24 hours. The year 2020 included 28 shortest days since 1960, and 2021 is predicted to be even the shortest year in decades. As such the average day in 2021 is expected to be 0.05ms (milliseconds) shorter than the 86,400 seconds that usually make up a 24-hour period, according to scientists. Scientists at the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) can calculate when this event occurs by measuring the precise moment a star passes a certain location in the sky each day. They express this measurement as Universal Time, then compare it to Atomic Time, a time scale calculated by ultra-precise atomic clocks. Should the Earth’s rotation get out of sync with atomic clocks, a leap second can be added or subtracted to ensure they remain aligned. What is a leap second? Leap seconds refer to adjustment of time, similar to leap years. UTC is an atomic time scale, based on the performance of atomic clocks that are more stable than the Earth’s rotational rate. Pakistan Ka Showbiz

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