Friday, September 25, 2020

The Brave Girl Who Exposed "Bad Boy" Ibsham On Social Media

via Recently, a hashtag by the name of "#ibshamzahidbehindthebars" trended on social media, demanding to arrest Ibsham Zahid who had been harassing a girl named Fatima Aamir Shaikh and her family. Last week, the harasser got arrested, and the victim could not be more grateful to her lawyer and supporters. Ibsham had been openly threatening to rape her and kill her family for the past four years. Moreover, the story gained immense attention on social media, when the victim, Fatima shared her ordeal by posting screenshots on her Instagram account. Moreover, as soon as the violent face of Ibsham was exposed via social media, he began to threaten Fatima even more. Thanks to all the social media uproar, the police finally took the creep in custody and later, arrested him. Fatima takes it to her Twitter to express her gratitude for all the support Yesterday, the harassment victim took it to Twitter to recognize and express gratitude to all those who raised their voice for her. In response to all the appreciation, Niazi acknowledged Fatima for her bravery and fighting so recklessly.

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