Saturday, November 28, 2020

Aseefa Set To Make Her Political Debut – Benazir’s Daughter Will Address PDM Jalsa In Multan

via Benazir's Daughter Will Address PDM Jalsa In Multan Aseefa will address the Pakistan Democratic Movement’s jalsa in Multan on November 30. In the absence of Zardari and PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Gilani and his sons are overseeing the preparations of the jalsa. Aseefa Bhutto Zardari to address Pakistan Democratic Movement 30 November 2020 Jalsa in Multan. Aseefa Bhutto Zardari will be starting her political career and will address Multan Jalsa. My brother speaks for the entire Pakistan, Aseefa once claimed In an old interview with BBC Urdu, Aseefa had said that PM Imran Khan has had more failures and successes. He [PM Khan] had promised the Pakistani people that he would create 10 million jobs. Imran Khan has actually created more instability and many millions of people have been laid off due to this economic instability. [PM] Imran Khan promised that he would rather commit suicide than go asking other nations for aid; however, he is seen in every single country with the same begging bowl in his hand — Aseefa This is what is happening today in Imran Khan’s Pakistan, u-turn after u-turn — BBC Urdu

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