Saturday, November 14, 2020

Pakistanis Boil With Anger After Mufti Masood Endorsing "Child Marriages" | Viral Video

via Pakistanis Boil With Anger After Watching Mufti Masood Endorsing "Child Marriages" In Viral Video While Pakistan suffers from the explosive wave of sexual abuse cases, and the rising pedophilia, Mufti Tariq Masood exposed his inner corrupted self. Apparently, pedophilia and child marriage are a joke to this mufti. In a country where sexual assault is rampant and our generations are on the brink of destruction, a religious personality, who has God knows how many followers, endorses child marriages, and pedophilia. But here’s Mufti Tariq Masood endorsing filth while delivering a sermon. Watch the video below Really thought Mufti Tariq Masood was one of the better ones. Mufti Tariq Masood will find you a 16-year-old or two eight-year-olds or four four year-olds Needless to say, people listening to his sermon are inclined to be disillusioned by the rank and credentials he holds. This is exactly how these corrupted minds subtly normalize the prevalence of pedophilia, child marriages, and rape in our society. The rampant culture of rape shows where we are headed as a nation.

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