Friday, May 29, 2020

Our Problem Is Increasing Population, Covid-19 And Education Are Secondary: Bushra Ansari

Our Problem Is Increasing Population, Covid-19 And Education Are Secondary: Bushra Ansari

via The actor elabor­ated on the impact of overpo­pulati­on in a pandem­ic ridden world In a recent interview with Samina Peerzada, actor Bushra Ansari had a detailed conversation about her life outside of Pakistan amid Covid-19 and what she thinks makes the situation worse in her home country. But they told her their events had not been cancelled and it was only after she reached Toronto that everything had been called off. Ansari then explained how after the situation escalated, her stay in Canada led her to realise why things were deteriorating in Pakistan so quickly. The actor then went on to reiterate how people are ignorant towards the problem and keep producing more children calling them God’s blessing without realising that they are also a test. Ansari then pointed out how by 2025, the population of Pakistan is expected to reach 350 million. The actor also explained how the more the people, the more the consumption of commodities and production of waste which further intoxicates the air we live in. I think the problem of education is also secondary. Because again, how many children will you be able to provide quality education to if there are so many of them? — the personality Ansari also criticised how the media has been banned from ads educating people about family planning. Pakistan Ka Showbiz

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