Thursday, June 25, 2020

Pakistan multiplying its nuclear arsenal to cook India's goose: German report

The annual report of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution for the German State of Baden-Württemberg for the year 2019 was released on June 16, 2020. Explaining the term "proliferation" of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction - or the products and know-how necessary to produce them - and of related delivery systems, the report stated, "Iran, Pakistan, North Korea and Syria are still pursuing such efforts. Adding weight to what India has always been saying, the report has said that Pakistan’s “extensive” “military” nuclear program is directed against “arch enemy” India. In addition to a civilian nuclear programme, Pakistan has for many years been operating an extensive military nuclear weapons and carrier programme. This is primarily directed against the "arch enemy" India, which also possesses nuclear weapons”, the German report said. Warning the Germany on countries like Pakistan using important institutions and high-tech companies in Germany to procure material, the report added, “In order to minimise risks, the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution sensitises those responsible there to make them aware of the danger and possible consequences of illegal knowledge transfer.” In addition to the acquisition of products (dual-use goods), the secondment of scientists to universities, institutes or research establishments is also important. In order to circumvent existing export restrictions and embargoes, risk states must constantly develop and optimize their procurement methods. — the report To conceal the actual end user, they can procure goods in Germany and Europe with the help of specially established cover companies and, in particular, transport dual-use goods to risk states.

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