Friday, August 28, 2020

New Zealand Mosque Shooter Given Life In Prison For Killing 51 Muslims In 2019

via A New Zealand judge sentenced white supremacist Brenton Tarrant to life in prison without parole on Thursday. He was punished for killing 51 Muslim worshippers in the country’s deadliest shooting. The judge said the sentence was not enough punishment for the “wicked” crimes. It was the first time a court in New Zealand had sentenced a person to prison for the rest of their life, said Reuters. Christchurch High Court Judge Cameron Mander said Tarrant had shown no remorse. On March 15, 2019, Tarrant stormed the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch armed with military-style semi-automatics, indiscriminately shooting at Muslims gathered for Friday prayers. He killed 44 people at Al Noor. Then he attacked a second mosque in the nearby suburb of Linwood, killing another seven people. NZ Muslims welcome justice Today the legal procedures for this heinous crime have been done. No punishment will bring our loved ones back — Gamal Fouda Extremists are all the same. Whether they use religion, nationalism or any other ideology. All extremists, they represent hate. But we are here today. We respect love, compassion, Muslim and non-Muslim people of faith and of no faith.

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