Wednesday, September 2, 2020

French Magazine Reprints Sketches Of Prophet Muhammad

via French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo is republishing controversial and offensive sketches of the Prophet Muhammad to mark this week’s start of the trial of alleged accomplices to the attack. The weekly French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo has a controversial history of offending Islam. The cover of the new issue has a dozen sketches of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)). The 2015 attack The latest Charlie Hebdo cover shows a dozen sketches. Muslims across the world were angered when Charlie Hebdo reprinted the sketches in 2006. Pakistan rejects Charlie Hebdo Pakistan has “condemned in the strongest terms” the decision by Charlie Hebdo to re-publish the controversial and offensive sketches. Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri took to Twitter and said the decision of the French magazine would amount to undermining the global desire for peaceful co-existence and a threat to social and interfaith harmony. Pakistan condemns in the strongest terms the decision by the French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, to re-publish deeply offensive caricature of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Anger runs high among Muslims globally Muslims across the world are furious over Charlie Hebdo’s decision to republish the controversial sketches.

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