Wednesday, September 23, 2020

This Pakistani Artist Has Given Some Serious Lockdown Goals!

This Pakistani Artist Has Given Some Serious Lockdown Goals!

via Disclaimer*: The articles shared under "Your Voice" section are sent to us by contributors and we neither confirm nor deny the authenticity of any facts stated below. This article was originally submitted by Alishba Masood “Mechanical Engineer and a self-taught artist struggling to break stereotypes.” I recently came across an article about this strangely interesting person who had a career in one of the most monotonous professions but a passion and taste in the fine arts, and that gave me some serious anxiety imagining how messed up could that be. The more I followed this person, I realized how true his Instagram description really is and how inspirational his entire journey is – He literally is breaking stereotypes without a doubt! This is none other than Zeeshan Nayyar; who has been featured on several online platforms earlier in 2018 and 2019, as well for his jaw-dropping skill and his consistency; in producing massively inspiring work. Things became even more interesting when I discovered his YouTube channel by the name of “Impressions by Zeeshan Nayyar” The recent lockdown in Pakistan in the effect of COVID 19, gave him an incredible opportunity; to put his to-do-list into action, and he definitely didn’t let this time go to waste. You would rarely cross paths with a Pakistani artist with an Art Channel; as engaging as his, and the content he is creating is as good as you can anticipate. Carrying on the vision, he recently started putting up tutorials for beginners; who aspire to be skilled artists, like he did in his past. Pakistan Ka Showbiz

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