Saturday, September 19, 2020

Young Maid Forced To Sit Alone In Car's Trunk In Lahore Causes Social Media Outrage

via However, the wealth somehow subsides when it comes to these people fulfilling the rights of these domestic helpers. Another such case has gone viral from Lahore, where a domestic worker was seen getting the same treatment. As per sources, a 13, 14-year-old female domestic worker (maid) was forced into the trunk of a car. As per the person who shared the news, there was ample space inside the car, but the little maid was STILL forced to sit inside the trunk. This is what the viral social media post shared A few miles before entering the Packages Mall, a family encountered this car who had apparently made his Maid (13-14 yrs old girl) sit in the car’s trunk. As visible in the pictures, she was balancing it with her hand, for letting the air in, but as they approached the checkpoint, the guard saw her, and (without inquiring the driver as to why the maid was sitting in the boot when there was enough space inside the car), he laughed. That single laugh made her so embarrassed that she closed the boot completely. The car still didn’t stop and kept on moving. In status, they wrote a message for the car owner that just because you have all this wealth now doesn’t give you the right to exploit the honor of your servants/maids. A few miles before entering the Packages Mall, a family encountered this car who had apparently made his Maid (13-14 yrs… Gepostet von Le Pakistani am Mittwoch, 16. September 2020 Tables can turn at any time and if God forbid there comes a time on your family when your own daughter has to work for others to earn a few pennies, I certainly think you wouldn’t want her in your maid’s place. If you, being wealthy enough, to educate yourself and your children, in expensive schools, remain unaware of the basic civic rights then I am sorry there’s nothing that differentiates you and an illiterate person. This is not the first time something like this has gone viral on social media.

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