Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Police Arrest 57-Year-Old Woman Beggar Who Is Filthy Rich & Owns Five Buildings

Police Arrest 57-Year-Old Woman Beggar Who Is Filthy Rich & Owns Five Buildings

via https://youtu.be/nbp0r11AN6E Police Arrest 57-Year-Old Woman Beggar Who Is Filthy Rich & Owns Five Buildings A 57-year-old woman beggar was arrested by Egyptian police. The beggar owns five buildings. She also has nearly 3 million Egyptian pounds ($191,164) in bank accounts, according to reports by the local media. Investigation by the police also revealed that she had been seen begging claiming physical paralysis while sitting in the wheelchair. She has got nearly 3 million Egyptian pounds in two banks. The curios case of rich beggars Portraying to be extremely poor or sick, some professional beggars exploit the right of the deserving who do not want to openly pick the begging bowl. Earlier in October, police found money worth Rs 85,000 in a rich beggar’s bag in Quetta. The incident was revealed after a post went viral on social media showing a rich beggar in Quetta who got seriously injured in a road accident. In another incident, a beggar in Rawalpindi was seen depositing his money. Pakistan Ka Showbiz

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