Thursday, December 3, 2020

A Girl Who Is Fighting Fate & Chasing Her Dreams Despite A Rare Disability!

A Girl Who Is Fighting Fate & Chasing Her Dreams Despite A Rare Disability!

via A Girl Who Is Fighting Fate & Chasing Her Dreams Despite A Rare Disability! She turned her disability into an ability to stand proudly in life with her resilience, patience, and courage. Lived normally till the age of nine, when one fateful day Hasan’s parents noticed a muscular spasm on the left side of her neck and right knee. For an entire year, no doctor could diagnose her medical condition till eventually, she was diagnosed with Muscular Dystonia, which is actually a very rare disease in all of Asia. Around two years later, the disease traveled to her vocal cords. Life certainly dealt a harsh blow to Hasan as her physical condition started to deteriorate. What’s her key to bravery? Pakistan Ka Showbiz

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