Thursday, September 3, 2020

French President "Brazenly" Refuses To Condemn Sketches Of Prophet Muhammad

via French President Emmanuel Macron defended citizens' right to freedom of speech. His remarks came as the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, the target of a massacre by gunmen in 2015, said it was republishing controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. Macron said on Tuesday it was not his place to pass judgment on the decision by Charlie Hebdo to publish a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), saying France has freedom of expression. Whereas, speaking during a visit to Lebanon, Macron said it was important for French citizens to be respectful of each other. ‘Freedom of speech’ The infamous French magazine is republishing the offensive caricatures, which unleashed a wave of anger in the Muslim world. The 2015 attack on Charlie Hebdo When the magazine first published his cartoons, it boiled the blood of Muslims all around the world and so are the sentiments this time. The stance of the French president is highly shocking. As the head of the country, Emmanuel Macron should stop re-publishing of the controversial and offensive sketches.

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